Grizzly Power Hammer T10165 User Manual

model t10165  
mini rotary tool  
oWner's manual  
Copyright © JUNE, 2009 By grizzly iNdUstrial, iNC.  
Warning: no portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape  
or form Without the Written approval of grizzly industrial, inc.  
#ts11870 priNtEd iN JapaN  
for your own safety read instruction manual  
before operating this equipment  
the purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazard-  
ous conditions. this manual uses a series of symbols and signal words which  
are intended to convey the level of importance of the safety messages. the  
progression of symbols is described below. remember that safety messages by  
themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident  
prevention measures.  
indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if  
not avoided, Will result in death or serious injury.  
indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if  
not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.  
indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if  
not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.  
it may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.  
this symbol is used to alert the user to useful infor-  
mation about proper operation of the equipment.  
safety instructions for machinery  
4. alWays  
1. read through the entire  
manual before starting  
protection When operating  
machinery. Machinery noise can  
cause permanent hearing damage.  
machinery. Machinery presents  
serious injury hazards to untrained  
5. Wear proper apparel. do  
Not wear loose clothing, gloves,  
neckties, rings, or jewelry which may  
get caught in moving parts. Wear pro-  
tective hair covering to contain long  
hair and wear non-slip footwear.  
2. alWays use ansi approved  
safety glasses  
eyeglasses only have impact resistant  
lenses, they are Not safety glasses.  
6. never operate machinery  
When tired, or under the  
influence of drugs or  
alcohol. Be mentally alert at all  
times when running machinery.  
3. alWays  
approved respirator When  
operating machinery that  
produces dust. Wood dust is  
a carcinogen and can cause cancer  
and severe respiratory illnesses.  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
safety instructions for machinery  
7. only allow trained and properly super-  
16. maKe sure guards are in  
vised personnel to operate machin-  
ery. Make sure operation instructions  
are safe and clearly understood.  
place and WorK correctly  
before using machinery.  
17. remove adJusting Keys and  
Wrenches. Make a habit of check-  
ing for keys and adjusting wrenches  
before turning machinery oN.  
8. Keep children and visitors  
aWay. Keep all children and visitors  
a safe distance from the work area.  
9. maKe WorKshop child proof.  
Use padlocks, master switches, and  
remove switch keys.  
18. checK for damaged parts  
before using machinery.  
Check for binding and alignment of  
parts, broken parts, part mounting,  
loose bolts, and any other conditions  
that may affect machine operation.  
repair or replace damaged parts.  
10. never leave When machine is  
running. turn power off and allow  
all moving parts to come to a com-  
plete stop before leaving machine  
19. do not force machinery. Work  
at the speed for which the machine or  
accessory was designed.  
11. do not use in dangerous  
environments. do Not use  
machinery in damp, wet locations,  
or where any flammable or noxious  
fumes may exist.  
20. secure WorKpiece. Use clamps  
or a vise to hold the workpiece when  
practical. a secured workpiece pro-  
tects your hands and frees both  
hands to operate the machine.  
12. Keep WorK area clean and  
Well lit. Clutter and dark shadows  
may cause accidents.  
21. do not overreach. Keep proper  
footing and balance at all times.  
13. use a grounded eXtension  
cord rated for the machine  
amperage. Undersized cords over-  
heat and lose power. replace exten-  
sion cords if they become damaged.  
do Not use extension cords for  
220V machinery.  
22. many machines Will eJect  
the WorKpiece toWard the  
operator. Know and avoid con-  
ditions that cause the workpiece to  
23. Be aware that certain woods may  
cause an allergic reaction in peo-  
ple and animals, especially when  
exposed to fine dust. Make sure you  
know what type of wood dust you will  
be exposed to and always wear an  
approved respirator.  
14. alWays disconnect from  
servicing machinery. Make  
sure switch is in oFF position before  
15. maintain machinery With  
care. Keep blades sharp and clean  
for best and safest performance.  
Follow instructions for lubricating and  
changing accessories.  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
additional safety instructions for  
mini rotary tool  
1. clamp the WorKpiece. if the  
4. electrocution hazards. do  
spinning tool slips from the workpiece  
while you are holding it, you could  
suffer piercing or abrasion injuries.  
do Not hold the workpiece with one  
hand and operate the tool with the  
other. secure the workpiece in a vise  
or work-holding device before starting  
the rotary tool.  
Not operate this tool in wet or damp  
conditions. remove all liquids from  
the work area before beginning oper-  
ation. Make sure your hands are  
clean and dry.  
5. WorKpiece contact. Jamming  
the spinning tool against the workpiece  
could cause the workpiece or tool to  
shatter and send debris in all direc-  
tions. Firmly grasp the rotary tool and  
ease it into the workpiece.  
2. eXplosion hazards. sparks  
from the grinding operation can eas-  
ily ignite flammable gasses, fluids, or  
materials. alWays make sure that  
these substances are completely  
removed from the work area before  
beginning operation.  
6. tool capacities. to avoid dam-  
age to the tool or workpiece that  
may cause operator injury, alWays  
operate this tool within the capacities  
stated on page 4.  
3. entanglement  
loose clothing or jewelry can become  
entangled with the spinning tool, pull-  
ing hands and fingers into the bit.  
to avoid this risk, remove jewelry,  
secure loose clothing, button long  
sleeves, and tie back long hair.  
7. accidental startup. to avoid  
unexpected startup that may cause  
injuries, alWays make sure the rota-  
ry speed dial is turned OFF before  
connecting the tool to power.  
no list of safety guidelines can be  
complete. every shop environment is  
different. always consider safety first,  
as it applies to your individual work-  
ing conditions. use this and other  
machinery with caution and respect.  
failure to do so could result in seri-  
ous personal injury, damage to equip-  
ment or poor work results.  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
contact info  
We are proud to offer the grizzly Model  
t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool.  
this model is part of a growing grizzly fami-  
ly of fine power tools. When used according  
to the guidelines set forth in this manual,  
you can expect years of trouble-free, enjoy-  
able operation and proof of grizzlys com-  
mitment to customer satisfaction.  
if you have any comments regarding this  
manual, please contact us:  
grizzly industrial, inc.  
C/o technical documentation Manager  
p.o. Box 2069  
Bellingham, Wa 98227-2069  
it is our pleasure to provide this manual  
with the Model t10165. it was written to  
encourage safety considerations and guide  
you through general operating procedures  
and maintenance.  
Most importantly, we stand behind our  
tools. if you have any service questions or  
parts requests, please call or write us at  
the location listed below.  
grizzly industrial, inc.  
1203 lycoming Mall Circle  
Muncy, pa 17756  
phone: (570) 546-9663  
Fax: (800) 438-5901  
the specifications, details, and photo-  
graphs in this manual represent the Model  
t10165 as supplied when the manual was  
prepared. however, owing to grizzlys pol-  
icy of continuous improvement, changes  
may be made at any time with no obligation  
on the part of grizzly.  
Web site:  
machine data  
required power..................................110V  
power output (at no load) ...................20W  
Number of speeds......................... Variable  
speed range............... 4,000–14,000 rpM  
Max. Continuous operating time......8 min.  
Max. tool Bit diameter...................... 7 mm  
read the manual before operation.  
become familiar with this nailer, its  
safety instructions, and its operation  
before beginning any work. serious  
personal injury may result if safety or  
operational information is not under-  
stood or followed.  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
model t10165 inventory (figure 1)  
a. Collet 332" (pre-installed)..................... 1  
b. Mini rotary tool................................. 1  
c. abrasive Cones:  
—Coarse grit (yellow)....................... 5  
—Medium grit (Blue) ......................... 5  
d. threaded Mandrels (for cones).......... 2  
e. Collet 18"............................................. 1  
f. steel Bits:  
your new mini rotary tool was carefully  
packaged for safe shipping. if you dis-  
cover any damage after you have signed  
for delivery, immediately call Customer  
Service at (570) 546-9663 for advice.  
save the containers and all packing materi-  
als for possible inspection by the carrier or  
its agent. Otherwise, filing a freight claim  
can be difficult.  
—round head 1.4mm ....................... 1  
—Cylindrical 2.1mm........................... 1  
g. diamond Bits:  
When you are completely satisfied with  
the condition of the shipment, you should  
inventory the contents.  
—round head 2mm .......................... 1  
—Flame 3mm .................................... 1  
—Cylindrical 1.2mm........................... 1  
—spear 2mm..................................... 1  
figure 1. Model t10165 inventory.  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
3. Fully insert the mandrel or bit shank  
into the collet until it stops, then re-  
tighten the collet nut.  
note: Only tighten the collet nut until  
the mandrel or bit cannot be removed  
when you tug on it. Overtightening may  
damage the components.  
operating this tool can propel objects  
into the air that may cause eye damage.  
to protect yourself from this hazard,  
alWays wear ansi approved safety  
glasses or goggles during operation.  
operation rules  
follow these rules to ensure a safe and  
efficient operation:  
mandrels & bits  
turn the rotary speed dial to OFF  
before connecting the tool to power.  
your mini rotary tool is supplied with two  
threaded mandrels that hold that hold the  
abrasive cones. to install an abrasive  
cone onto a mandrel, screw the threaded  
tip of the mandrel into the bottom of the  
to prevent injuries from tool slippage,  
alWays secure the workpiece in a  
vise or other clamping device. NEVEr  
hold the workpiece by hand during  
note: The cones with yellow bottoms are  
coarse abrasives, and the ones with blue  
bottoms are a medium abrasive.  
For efficient control of the tool, start  
your operation with the slowest speed,  
then increase the speed as needed.  
to install a mandrel or bit:  
to avoid the tool slipping in your hand,  
make sure your hands are clean and  
1. disCoNNECt tool FroM poWEr!  
2. press and hold the spindle lock to keep  
the spindle from rotating, then loosen  
the collet nut (see figure 2).  
to prevent excessive wear of the motor  
components, NEVEr operate this tool  
for longer than five continuous minutes.  
turn it OFF after this time and allow it  
to cool for five minutes.  
Collet Nut  
rotary speed dial  
to ensure a good finish, ease the cone  
or bit into the workpiece. Jamming it  
into the workpiece may damage the  
tool components or the workpiece.  
spindle lock  
When using the abrasive cones, use  
the tip of the cone. otherwise, the abra-  
sive material may unravel.  
figure 2. Model t10165 controls.  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
t20501—face shield  
h1432—multi-positional hobby vise  
crown protector 4"  
t20502—face shield  
crown protector 7"  
this handy, go-anywhere vise features a  
powerful suction mechanism that securely  
attaches the vise to any smooth, flat sur-  
face. the swivel head can be positioned  
in just about any configuration and locks  
in place with a high torque lock ring. ideal  
for hobby use around the home or take it  
anywhere. steel jaws have protective rub-  
ber pads and measure 234" wide. open  
capacity is 212".  
t20503—face shield Window  
t20452—"Kirova" anti-reflective  
safety glasses  
t20451—"Kirova" clear safety glasses  
h0736—shop fox® safety glasses  
h7194—bifocal safety glasses 1.5  
h7195—bifocal safety glasses 2.0  
h7196—bifocal safety glasses 2.5  
figure 3. Eye protection assortment.  
figure 4. Model h1432 hobby vise.  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
replacement parts  
Consists of:  
5 Each Coarse Abrasive Cones  
5 Each Medium Abrasive Cones  
Consists of:  
1 Each Round Head 1.4mm Steel Bit  
1 Each Cylindrical 2.1mm Steel Bit  
1 Each Round Head 2mm Diamond Bit  
1 Each Flame 3mm Diamond Bit  
1 Each Cylindrical 1.2mm Diamond Bit  
1 Each Spear 2mm Diamond Bit  
Consists of:  
1 Each Collet Nut  
1 Each 332" Collet  
1 Each 18" Collet  
2 Each Threaded Mandrels  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
grizzly industrial, inc. warrants every product it sells for a period of 1 year to the original  
purchaser from the date of purchase. this warranty does not apply to defects due directly or  
indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, repairs or alterations or lack of mainte-  
nance. this is grizzlys sole written warranty and any and all warranties that may be implied  
by law, including any merchantability or fitness, for any particular purpose, are hereby limited  
to the duration of this written warranty. We do not warrant or represent that the merchandise  
complies with the provisions of any law or acts unless the manufacturer so warrants. in no  
event shall grizzlys liability under this warranty exceed the purchase price paid for the prod-  
uct and any legal actions brought against grizzly shall be tried in the state of Washington,  
County of Whatcom.  
We shall in no event be liable for death, injuries to persons or property or for incidental,  
contingent, special, or consequential damages arising from the use of our products.  
to take advantage of this warranty, contact us by mail or phone and give us all the details.  
We will then issue you a “return authorization Number,” which must be clearly posted on  
the outside as well as the inside of the carton. We will not accept any item back without this  
number. proof of purchase must accompany the merchandise.  
the manufacturers reserve the right to change specifications at any time because they  
constantly strive to achieve better quality equipment. We make every effort to ensure that  
our products meet high quality and durability standards and we hope you never need to use  
this warranty.  
please feel free to write or call us if you have any questions about the machine or the  
grizzly industrial, inc.  
1203 lycoming mall circle  
muncy, pa 17756  
phone: (570) 546-9663  
fax: (800) 438-5901  
Web site:  
thank you again for your business and continued support. We hope to serve you again  
Model t10165 high-precision Mini rotary tool  
Buy Direct and Save with Grizzly® – Trusted, Proven and a Great Value!  
~Since 1983~  
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